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Norwegian forest cat, cat club, breeders, cat, kitten

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a large, heavy boned, yet elegant semi-longhaired cat, the most important features being type and coat quality. Originating in harsh natural conditions, the breed became an outdoor working cat on Norwegian Farms. The appearance of the Norwegian Forest Cat should reflect this natural heritage. The Norwegian Forest Cat matures slowly, and full development of the cat and its coat can take up to four years. A distinctive double coat is required. Coat colour is irrelevant. A cat should not be penalised if apparently wrongly registered, as there are no points for colour. The cat should have an alert expression, be in good general condition and well presented.



Triangular, where all sides are equal. Long straight profile without break in line. Forehead slightly rounded. Strong chin.



Large, not rounded, with good width at base. Ear placement high, and open set so that the lines of the ears follow the line of the head down to the chin. With Lynx-like tufts and long hair out of the ears.



Large, oval, well opened, obliquely set and alert expression. All colours allowed.



Big and strongly built, long and muscular with solid bone structure. Having a deep chest and powerful neck.



(and Paws)

High on legs, with back legs longer than front legs. Paws large and round, in proportion to the legs. Tufts of fur between toes.




Long and bushy, should reach at least to the shoulder blades, but preferably to the neck.



Semi-long. the woolly undercoat being covered by a smooth, water repellent overcoat; which consists of long, coarser and glossy guard hairs covering the back, sides and tail. A fully coated cat has a shirtfront, a full ruff and knickerbockers. ( A shorter coat in summer is acceptable).



Cobby, small or delicate build. Break (stop) in profile. Round or square head. Short tail (not reaching to back of shoulder blades.) Short legs. Dry, knotted coat or too soft a coat. Small ears. Round eyes. Any defect as listed in the preface to the SOP booklet.

Colour:- currently in GCCF all listed colours are allowed; except Chocolate, Lilac, Apricot, Caramel, Cinnamon, Fawn and Siamese pattern. Any amount of white is allowed, i.e. white on paws, chest, belly or blaze, locket etc.


Scale of Points


Head:- including general shape, length of nose, profile, chin. 20 Points
Ears:- including shape and placement. 10 Points
Eyes:- including shape, size. 10 Points
Body:- including overall shape, size, bone, legs, feet and paws. 25 Points
Tail:- including length and fur 10 Points
Coat:- including quality and texture, length. 25 Points

However, one of the most endearing characteristics of the Norwegian Forest Cat is its temperament - intelligent and fun-loving yet gentle and laid-back, energetic and sociable yet not too demanding - a "Wegie" makes an excellent and rewarding friend for life. As for grooming, this is easily dealt with by means of occasional combing - for their natural coats are largely self-maintaining.

© 2014 Norwegian Forest Cat Club

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